Author: First Squad
"First Squad" is the group of individuals who contribute to the education of "Lewis and Clark"
starting in Lewiston, Idaho, on the Snake River at Hells Gate State Park, traveling to the Ocean by way of water. Clarkston Washington for the Independence day celebration. Livingston Montana for canoe camp and preparations to travel east to Saint Louis Missouri. Finally in Washington D.C. for Memorial Day to report to Thomas Jefferson.

May 19, 2019
“NEW MEDIZEN” the maiden voyage.
Mothers Day

an idea to

Lewis Clark Discovery Center – Visitors Center
Sacajawea Historical State Park
Sacajawea Historical State Park
2503 Sacajawea Park Rd
Pasco, WA 99301
Lewis Clark Credit Union

1626 17th Street
Lewiston, ID 83501
(208) 746-7233
Federally Insured by NCUA
Support our community!
Because of SO MANY requests from customers regarding extra-curricular group activities, it cannot possibly stay fair to each request.
Submit application for donation or sponsorship here.
Donation Application
The Karl Tyler Auto Group will respond weekly after a review of requests, however, NOT ALWAYS able to support everyone.
Fund requests NO LONGER for:
individuals / clubs
trips / travel
schools / sports
teams /activities
Chopping a Cedar Dugout